Author: Right to Life of Ingham County

Is Assisted Suicide Coming to Michigan?

Physician-assisted suicide—or “Death with Dignity” (a euphemism preferred by its proponents)—is a threat in our state yet again. In December of 2023, a package of bills (SB 678-681) was introduced in the Michigan State Senate to legalize the dangerous practice of allowing doctors to prescribe lethal doses of drugs to their patients for the purpose of committing suicide.

Is this the first-time “Death with Dignity” advocates have tried to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Michigan?

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Women's reproductive health isn't a matter of 'pro-life' vs. 'pro-choice' – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune

Women's reproductive health isn't a matter of 'pro-life' vs. 'pro-choice'
Chicago Tribune
Policymaking around reproductive health has had the unfortunate effect of splitting Americans into two camps: “pro-choice” and “pro-life.” These labels are limiting and misleading, as well as harmful to millions of women in need of critical medical care.

Source: pro-life