Will you join our effort to defend our prolife law and get the truth out about this ballot proposal?
RTLIC is an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan. We will be joining nearly 100 other affiliate groups across the state in this battle, plus other organizations and churches. We need every voice and every hand.
The Unborn Have No Voice But Ours.
We need your voice added to ours at Right to Life of Ingham County. (RTLIC)
The battle over abortion will reach its apex in 2022. The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dobbs case is due within a few months. The Court is deliberating the complete overturn of Roe v. Wade.
Michigan has a law banning abortion on the books and is ready to go back into effect if Roe is overturned.

The amendment would wipe out our pro-life law and legalize abortion up to the point of birth. If they succeed in gathering enough signatures, this November will determine the fate of unborn babies in Michigan for decades to come.