About Right to Life of Ingham County

Right to Life of Ingham County is an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan, which is a non-sectarian, non-partisan organization of pro-life groups. Together, our goal is to preserve life at all stages—from conception to natural death. Locally, we support efforts to increase awareness of pregnancy services, attend legislative functions to familiarize legislators with our purpose, and provide information to anyone who is interested.

Interested in attending a board meeting? Contact Nina at ncedar@rtl.org.

Help us to save a beating heart.
Join. For Life!

Contact RTLIC

address: PO Box 954, Holt, MI  48842
phone: (517) 225-2345
online: https://inghamrtl.org/
email: inghamrtl@gmail.com

A Short History of RTL Ingham County

rtl presidents

Pictured are two former Right to Life of Ingham County presidents and the current president. Left-Kay Palinski, she served at the very beginning in the late 1970’s; middle-Maureen Meehan-Polash, she served in the early 2000’s; and right, is current president Ed Rivet. He has one year down and many more to go–we hope!

The name of the organization has also changed several times since the beginning. 1st- Greater Lansing Citizens For Life, 2nd-Right to Life of Greater Lansing, and 3rd-Right to Life of Ingham County. In 2010, RTL Greater Lansing merged with the Mason Area Right to Life group to form a single county group. The three ladies who ran the Mason group for many years–Kathy Wieland, Maureen Williams and Sister Maureen Martin–have all passed away in recent years, with Sr. Maureen in January 2020. They did a great job coordinating the Ingham County Fair booth, they are all missed very much.

Who We Are

We are one of nearly 100 Right to Life of Michigan affiliates representing the local citizens within our community.

We are convinced that death is not a solution to suffering or hardship. Together, we are working for the day when positive life-affirming solutions are found for difficult situations at both the beginning and end of life.

We are a non-profit volunteer organization made up of people of different political persuasions, various faiths and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds.

We work peacefully to advance our identified life issues. We oppose illegal and violent means to achieve our goals. To counter violence with violence is against our principles.

What We Do


We, as an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan, provide factual information on the topics of abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia to help educate our local citizens on life issues relevant today.


We participate in the legislative process so that laws are passed on behalf of defenseless and vulnerable human beings—born and unborn.


We are involved in the political arena so that we can elect officials who will protect innocent members of our human family.

A Civil Rights Issue

At each point in history when mass groups of the vulnerable were threatened, someone stood up and stood firm against it.

Today, even up to the time of birth, unborn babies have no right to life. Each year in the U.S., more than a million children are killed by abortion.

Our work is part of a coordinated effort with Right to Life of Michigan. We are the voice, hands and feet for babies preparing to be born and those threatened by a quality of life ethic.

Right to Life groups have formed in every state to restore legal protection for unborn children under the U.S. Constitution. This is, without a doubt, the most important civil rights issue of our time. Together we will stand up and stand firm for the protection of innocent human life.